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Wakestyle Kit
The Wakestyle Kit comes with a huge chicken loop and a long leash. This setup is ideal for unhooked freestyle and wakestyle riding. Easy to hook back in following unhooked tricks, the long neoprene covered leash gives maximum freedom to move, comfort and prevents injuries.

Easy unhooking
Huge loop for easy unhooking and hooking back in.

Big leash included
Length of freestyle leash makes several rotations possible.

Neoprene covered leash
Long neoprene covered leash gives maximum freedom to move, comfort and prevents injuries.

Freestyle Kit
The Freestyle Kit comes with a large chicken loop and a long leash. This setup is ideal for unhooked freestyle and wakestyle riding. Easy to hook back in following unhooked tricks, the long neoprene covered leash gives maximum freedom to move, comfort and prevents injuries.

Easy unhooking
Large loop for easy unhooking and hooking back in.

Big leash included
Length of freestyle leash makes several rotations possible.

Neoprene covered leash
Long neoprene covered leash gives maximum freedom to move, comfort and prevents injuries.

Freeride Kit
The Freeride Kit comprises of the smallest chicken loop combined with a short leash. This kit is the first choice for freeriders which are not unhooking. The short chicken loop maximizes the depower range, whilst the shorter safety leash is tangle-free.

Bigger depower stroke
Small chicken loop for a bigger depower stroke.

Small leash included
Shorter leash for less tangling.

No unhooking
Not designed for unhooking.

Rope Kit
The Rope Harness Kit presents a small chicken loop with a metal plate and a short leash, which can ONLY be used with a rope harness. You must not use this loop on a standard harness hook. The short chicken loop ensures maximum range of depower and it’s non-abrasive quality, means a longer lasting harness rope and loop. A short tangle-fee safety leash provides confidence and comfort. It’s designed without any disturbing chicken dig.

Small leash included
Shorter leash for less tangling.

No wear on the rope
Smooth sliding of the rope in combination with rope harness, no wear on the rope.

No Chicken Dig
No irritating chicken dig.

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